Saturday, May 5, 2012

Cupcake Ice Cream Pops

These are the first group of cupcake Ice Cream pops I have done for Mother's Day.  Since my mom has been gone for 10 years, I always do something with the breast cancer ribbon in her memory.  The other one is just a mom celebration with colorful sprinkles.  I'm going to do some more this week, so I will post more pics later.

I also got a new candy melter. It really isn't made for melting chocolate, but I thought it would work.  And I was right.  You can melt 2 different colors at the same time. Or ,if you need alot of chocolate, you can have 2 pots melted at the same time.  It works great. And it keeps the chocolate warm for longer than the Wilton melting pot. Plus, the wilton pot gets a little too warm sometime. After melting in the crock pot, I just put the dial on warm, and it keeps the chocolate perfect.  It melts slower, so if you are in a hurry, this won't work as fast as you want.  I start it out on high for the first 5 minutes to get it nice and warm, then lower it to low till the candy is melted.   Plus, it comes with lids, so the chocolate won't cool off while you are working with it.

I got mine at Kohl's for a really good price. Less than the Wilton pot.  I'm not knocking the Wilton pot, I just like this one cause I can do two colors at once, plus the pot is deeper, so you can melt more chocolate at once.

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