Saturday, June 30, 2012

4th Of July cupcakes

Red,white, and blue cupcakes are a  neccessity for the 4th of July at any picnic.  Perfect for everyone to have a treat without alot of mess.  Unless you have dogs that think the papers are a real treat like ours. lol.    They are chocolate cake with red,white, and blue buttercream icing.   Sprinkles and a chocloate star add the sparkle.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sweet potato cupcakes

I've always heard of sweet potato cupcakes, but never made them before. They will be one of my top 5 cupcakes now.  Lots and lots of flavor. They smell delicious when they are baking. Lots of spice.  Just the cupcake is good for me, but I know everyone likes frosting too.  I frosted them with brown sugar buttercream.  Pretty good.  I may search for another recipe to see if there is any difference. I know alot of people like cream cheese frosting, but I'm not a fan.

I saw cupcakes photgraphed like this on pinterest and thought it was such a cute idea.  Of course, you can't really see the cupcake, so here is another pic.


Monday, June 18, 2012

Chocolate covered oreo's

I have been doing alot of chocolate covered oreo's lately .  I love the watermelon's.  It's alot of chocolate.

And who doesn't like ladybugs?

And finally. Graduation

Birthday cakepop cones

This  order for 30 cupcake cones is for a  little girls birthday celebration at preschool. Her mom wanted the cakepop cones. They are perfect for 4 year olds. Just a few bites of cake.  And what kid doesn't like an ice cream cone? Plus, no mess.  Yellow cake, icing, and covered in white chocolate with sprinkles.  I hope her class enjoys them.
All packaged and ready to go. 

The kids probably won't know they are cones.