Just a little bit of info before you attempt to use yours. Make sure the pie crust is to the top of each well. I would even leave it go onto the top of the pan too. My first attempt with the pan, I just made sure the crust was to the top of the well. NOT A GOOD THING. The crust really shrunk down alot. In a few of them, the pumpkin is higher than the crust. Any they all had 1/4 cup of the pumpkin mixture in them.
There is about a 1/2 inch between the wells, so there is enough room to bring your crust over the top and crimp it. I will definitely do this next time.
The pan is great as far as the pies just sliding right out. No sticking at all. They only took about 20 minutes to bake. My recipe for pumpkin pie tells you to heat the oven to 425 for the first 15 minutes. I did it for 10, but I don't think I will do it next time. Just 350 for the full 20 minutes. I'm not sure if that is what made the crust shrink so much, but I'm not taking the chance again.
If you have used this pan, and have any suggestions, please leave them in the comment section. Any help is welcome.