Sunday, December 30, 2007

Snowflake cookies

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. These are some snowflake cookies I made. I did alot of other sugar cookies, but forgot to take a picture before they were all gone.

I used a foodwriter on the faces for these. Much easier than trying to do it with icing. I let the icing harden overnight, then put them in the freezer for a while.
When they had warmed up, I used the writers. No bleeding...... I just hate when it bleeds onto the other color.

Hope everyone has a great New Year.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Christmas cake

This is a pic of a christmas ornament cake I made. The cake is made in a 2 quart pyrex bowl. That gives you the rounded look. It is a white cake with red and greem jimmies mixed in.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

3 D snowmen cupcakes

I bought the new 3D snowmen pan from Wilton. These are really fun to do. A little time consuming, but they turn out really cute.